正誤表:英検準1級 ライティング 合格メソッド

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誤 Hamburgar
正 Hamburger

p78 練習問題6 作成例
誤 Immigrants
正 immigrants

p84 上段
誤 foster
正 fosters

p84 下段
誤 improve infrastructure, and heighten national pride.
正 improves infrastructure, and heightens national pride.

p86 上段
誤 One key benefit of participating in club activities is that they are able to build of social skills.
正 One key benefit of participating in club activities is that they are able to build social skills.

p90 中段
誤 improve infrastructure, and heighten national pride.
正 improves infrastructure, and heightens national pride.

誤 makng
正 making

p103 第2パラグラフの改善案
誤 This overcrowding leads to more stress and worse living conditions, for the inhabitants affecting people’s mental health.
正 This overcrowding leads to more stress and worse living conditions for the inhabitants, affecting people’s mental health.

p105 第2パラグラフ
誤 This overcrowding leads to more stress and worse living conditions, for the inhabitants affecting people’s mental health.
正 This overcrowding leads to more stress and worse living conditions for the inhabitants, affecting people’s mental health.

p106 第2パラグラフ
誤 rual
正 rural

p114 第4パラグラフ
誤 In conclusion, despite the cultural and creative fulfillment that language arts provide…
正 In conclusion, despite the cultural and creative fulfillment that language arts provides…

誤 temprature
正 temperature

誤 Hurry Potter
正 Harry Potter

誤 The Load of the Rings
正 Lord of the Rings

誤 The mountain’s popularity…has led to more visitors, pushing the limits of local infrastructure and behaviors disrespectful of the sites significant to the Shinto religion.
正 The mountain’s popularity…has led to more visitors, pushing the limits of local infrastructure and attracting behaviors disrespectful of the sites significant to the Shinto religion.

誤 Artificial Intelligence is having increasingly more impact on various aspects of daily life…
正 Artificial Intelligence is having an increasing impact on various aspects of daily life…